BLUE LOCK, written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and illustrated by Yusuke Nomura, is one ofthe most successful sports manga of recent years. This manga began to be published in 2018; thanks to its unique mix of dynamic characters, including the protagonist Isagi Yōichi, an engaging plot, and captivating graphics, Blue Lock has already won millions of fans and had a total worldwide circulation of more than 40 million copies to date.
The anime series season 1 (24 episodes) was internationally broadcasted in 2022; the season 2 of 14 episodes has just started broadcasting in October 2024, in Italy by Crunchyroll. An anime film, "BLUE LOCK THE MOVIE -EPISODE NAGI" was played all over the world in 2024.
BLUE LOCK follows the dreams of 300 high school students who aim to lead the Japanese Men's National Team to the next World Cup championship as their ace striker! To become the best, they join the BLUE LOCK project, a high-risk training program where anyone eliminated is forever barred from joining the Japanese National Team. Pitting the best-rising players in Japan against each other, only the most egoistical and skilled will emerge from this program!
BLUE LOCK is an intense and compelling story with action, drama and sports psychology, able to create an engaging experience. The series is focused on current topics, such as the pressure of expectations, rivalry among teammates, personal growth, and the pursuit of excellence in one’s field.
BLUE LOCK has gained increasing visibility in Italy and now has a growing fanbase.
Starbright Licensing's goal will be to expand the presence of this global phenomenon in the Italian market. They will work closely with local licensees to develop products that reflect the unique spirit of the series in a wide range of product categories, from Apparel& Accessories to Collectibles, and even collaborations with sports brands and cross-sector initiatives.
“We are excited to represent a title of such relevance in the global entertainment landscape,” said Giada Paterlini, CEO of Starbright Licensing. “Football is a passion that gathers millions of Italians, and BLUE LOCK offers a unique and innovative narrative, able to engage fans of manga, anime, and sports at the same time”.
The arrival of BLUE LOCK in the Italian licensing market is expected in the uncoming months, with the first products already in development.