Starbright announces the attendance along with Toei Animation, Leftloop, Bandai Toys, Bandai Namco, Diramix and Clementoni in a space dedicated to Super Sayan.
Many games and special activities will take place during the three days event, starting with the hunt for the 7 dragon balls to receive exclusive prizes. Kids will be able to take part to a true Dragon Balls experience ending with a super Kamehameha.
Bandai will present new toys for Christmas 2019, whereas Clementoni puzzles, Diramix cards and Bandai Namco video games will entertain kids who will have the opportunity to play and have fun with action figures, puzzles, video games and collect cards, a preview of what is coming in 2020.
The franchise in Italy is growing and new partner joining the licensing program will be announce in the next months, covering major categories as Easter eggs, pandoro and panettone cakes, snack, chips, streetwear.