BLUE LOCK is a Japanese sports manga written by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and illustrated by Yusuke Nomura, published by Kodans...
Discover!It’s the first chapter Dragon Ball saga, the most famous manga and anime of all times!
Discover!The second episode of the saga is also the most famous. Dragon Ball Z follows Goku, his son Gohan and a group of friends...
Discover!The new Dragon Ball Super series reconnects its fans with their favourite heroes.
Discover!The new series Dragon Ball DAIMA, original work, story and character design by Akira Toryiama, promises to bring a fresh...
Discover!Miniheroes of the Forest
Miniheroes of the Forest is a 3D animated comedy-adventure series produced by the Italian companies Movimenti Production...
Discover!My Hero Academia is the new Japanese anime that brings to the screen a cast of unique characters along with a strong mes...
Discover!Published for the first time in 2009, the series counts 34 volumes and, after ten years from its launch, it is considere...
Discover!An entirely new television anime adaptation of the hit comic by Hiroyuki Takei, which has surpassed 38 million copies in...
Discover!Stumble Guys is a multiplayers party game, which features max 32 players, facing each other to overcome different levels...
Discover!Since the launch of the first Yu-Gi-Oh! manga in 1996 to its anime series debut in 2000, Yu-Gi-Oh! has become a phenomen...